0x00 // Introducing BBS From Scratch

0x00 // Introducing BBS From Scratch
Welcome, you've got mail

Traditional BBS (Bulletin board system) software is mostly unmaintained and now easily over thirty years old. While many great modern software packages do exist, support for vintage operating systems is dwindling. Additionally the POTS (Plain old telephone service) is being phased out by the FCC and little knowledge about analog modem use with VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is documented or supported. Many modern systems don't even support dial-up.

I firmly believe that there is much to be gained from developing software for older operating systems. Enabling the ability to utilize them in an modern ways and providing authentic historical experiences is valuable and essential to keep these systems around for future generations.

BBS From Scratch is a passion project aimed at developing a new set of software that can run on any age IBM PC compatible operating system and provide a modern take on bulletin board system experience.

FreePascal has been chosen as the development language for this project. It is a spiritual successor to Turbo Pascal which was very popular in the days of the BBS. Additionally it's ability to target both modern and vintage operating systems is impressive to say the least.

Operating systems support will be initially targeted to MS-DOS, Windows 3.1, OS/2 Warp 4, Windows 9x and NT/2000. Support for modern Windows/Mac/Linux is to be assumed. Additional operating systems and hardware will be evaluated as the project progresses.

Serial communications support for "Hayes compatible" analog modems is deemed a feature requirement across all operating systems. Additionally, VoIP configurations will be documented for select providers and ATAs as these are becoming essential for supporting any type of dial-up access for a Sysop (System Operator) or User.

Articles and source code snippets will be posted regularly to document the progress and features of the software. Snippets will fall under an open source license.

Software binaries will be released periodically for each supported operating system.

Access to the system itself as it progresses and in various stages of its lifecycle will be made available by phone, telnet or other means.

This project will not be possible without the support of a community. Subscribe and support this project at any level to stay up to date via email when new content is published.

Check back next week for more, but for now, welcome to BBS From Scratch!

Sysop, signing off...